Be a Part of California's Consumer Protection Future. Get Involved in the Strategic Planning Process!
Who is the California Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA)?
DCA is a unique and dynamic department made up of 36 different boards, bureaus, a commission, and a program (referred to as boards) that license and regulate more than 3.4 million licensees in more than 280 license types including certificates, registrations, and permits. DCA's boards license and regulate various license types such as barbers, contractors, security guards, and various healthcare providers that impact every Californian.
What is a Strategic Plan?
Strategic planning is the process of documenting and establishing an organization's direction through formulation of strategies by assessing both where the organization is currently and identifying its short and long term goals towards its mission. Boards collaboratively develop measurable objectives that serve as a road map toward improving the areas in which the board/bureau might have weaknesses, foster growth, and strengthen support for its mission, vision, and values. Strategic plans are typically updated every few years to reflect current issues and trends.
Why Get Involved?
Get involved to make sure your voice is heard! As a consumer, the Department wants strategic plans to be a partnership by hearing what consumers have to say. California is the largest and most diverse state in the nation, shaped by the contributions of all its residents, who call California home. Your input can help to further advance equity and opportunity in access and outcomes in the industries regulated by DCA's boards and bureaus.
How Can You Get Involved?
Members of the public can get involved in the strategic planning process in two ways:
- Participate in the survey. This survey is part of the board's/bureau's efforts in performing an industry standard SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis to identify and leverage strengths and opportunities, identify weaknesses, and forecast any internal and external threats to its mission. The SWOT analysis informs the DCA boards and bureaus on actions to expand opportunity for all specific to its mission, policies, programs, and practices. These surveys are completely anonymous, comprised of multiple choice and written questions, require responses only for those areas in which you have information, experience, or knowledge, and should take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete.
- Participate in the strategic planning session. The survey results analysis is used to help provide the board and its members with stakeholder feedback and is one of the tools used to guide the development of a new strategic plan. Once a strategic plan has been developed by a board or bureau, it is discussed during a public board meeting and approved by all board members. Members of the public can participate in public comment periods during planning sessions.
Ready to Get Started?
Think of the activities related to DCA's boards and bureaus that matter to you the most or those that you wish would improve. Look through the boards and bureaus listed below to identify if there are any that license and regulate the areas you have an interest in.
In your interactions with the regulated activity, is there anything you can share that can help the board or bureau improve or continue achieving consumer protection effectively?
Is there any feedback you can share to help DCA's boards and bureaus more effectively accomplish their missions of consumer protection? Most boards or bureaus seek feedback in the following goal areas:
- Licensure – Verification and licensure of individuals to practice regulated activity.
- Enforcement – Enforcement of laws and regulations licensees need to follow.
- Laws and Regulations – Creation, support, and/or adherence to laws and regulations (including licensure requirements) that impact licensees and consumers.
- Outreach – Educate and inform stakeholders, including licensees and consumers.
- Administration – Administer program activities efficiently and effectively.
When taking the survey or participating in the strategic planning session, you are free to respond to only the goal areas for which you have interest, experience, or knowledge in.
Boards currently receiving public input are noted with an *
Find the Board or Bureau You Are Interested In